The American Waterways Operators, the national trade association for the tugboat, towboat and barge industry, has announced that Jennifer Carpenter, AWO’s Senior Vice President – National Advocacy, has been promoted to the new position of Executive Vice President, effective immediately.
There's a billion dollar industry...that operates in large part right here in Louisiana. It chugs along round the clock, moving thousands of tons of of cargo each day of the year...connecting us to the rest of the world...and goes largely unnoticed. In this story, we introduce you to one local man whose story just might change that for you. Please click here for the full story and video.
Newly appointed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy visited the Port of Long Beach on Thursday to see firsthand some of the air-quality projects her agency has funded. Standing in a Foss Caribe Horizon crew boat retrofitted with cleaner engines, McCarthy spoke about the need to strike a balance between commerce and community.
From The Atlantic: "The kind of education provided at MMA and America’s six other maritime academies is not familiar to most Americans...that’s too bad, because what’s going on is some of the most compelling education to be found anywhere...this is the kind of place that makes America work. And succeed."