
Jun 25
In The News

Campbell Transportation Christens 2 New Towboats

You may soon notice a couple more boats out on our rivers. Two new towboats were officially christened Tuesday at a ceremony on the North Shore. The Renee Lynn and the Alice Jean were both named after family members of long-time Campbell Transportation Company employees.

Apr 27
In The News

Docks Buzzing with Vigor Industrial Evolution

The United States was the world’s dominant shipbuilder half a century ago. But like flat-screen televisions, photovoltaics, wind energy, advanced batteries and scores of other formerly American-developed and -led sectors, shipbuilding is now centered in Asia.

Apr 26
In The News

All Hands on Deck for Waterways System

Out of sight, out of mind. That pretty well sums up the layperson's view of the country's extensive inland waterways system, an efficient, environmentally friendly network of rivers, locks and canals that moves our huge fleet of floating pack mules, aka barges, powered by towboats.

Apr 19
In The News

Mississippi River's Many 'Parents' Look To Unify

Sixty percent of the nation's agricultural exports move by barge up and down the Mississippi River system, as do billions of dollars' worth of petroleum, coal, steel and other commodities. It's a critical lifeline for the nation's economy, but one not without problems.
