In The Media


Dec 17

AWO Letter December 14, 2015

A new gallery has opened in the World War II Museum in New Orleans, LA honoring the U.S. Merchant Marine and AWO has submitted comments on the Missouri River Annual Operating Plan. Read the full AWO Letter by clicking here.

Nov 25

AWO Letter November 24, 2015

Read about the TVIB training sessions for RCP auditors and the Cadet Towing Vessel Rider Program which completed another successful year in the latest issue of the AWO Letter. Click here.

Nov 9

AWO Letter - November 6, 2015

Learn more about what happened during the AWO Fall Convention in St. Louis. Receive details on the meeting of the Towing Safety Advisory Committee and learn about AWO's work in regions throughout the country in the AWO Letter. Read more.

Oct 13

AWO Letter - October 9, 2015

Check out the latest AWO Letter to learn why an Anti-Jones Act amendment was withdrawn and see what recomendations MERPAC has suggested to harmonize MMC's, Medical Certificates.To read the entire newsletter please click here.

Sep 29

AWO Letter - September 24, 2015

Read why the American Maritime Partnership says the Jones Act is safe and secure, and get the details on the Midwest, Ohio Valley and Southern Regions Combined Summer Meetings. Read more in this issue of the AWO Letter.
