
Oct 1
Press Release

ACC’s Responsible Care® and AWO’s Responsible Carrier Programs Extend Environmental, Health, Safety and Security Cooperation

The American Chemistry Council (ACC) and The American Waterways Operators (AWO) have renewed for three years a 2010 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to promote environmental, health, safety and security (EHS&S) performance through ACC’s Responsible Care and AWO’s Responsible Carrier Program. With a volume of 68 million tons in 2012, chemicals account for roughly nine percent of total barge traffic.

Sep 18
Press Release

Domestic Maritime Industry: An “Economic Engine and Foundational to America’s Security”

NEW YORK – During an address today in New York City at the TradeWinds 2013 Jones Act Shipping Forum, American Maritime Partnership Chairman and American Waterways Operators President & CEO Tom Allegretti hailed the nation’s domestic maritime industry as a crucial element of America’s economic, national and homeland security, calling the Jones Act, which serves as the industry’s foundation, both a commercial and a public policy success.

In his remarks, Mr. Allegretti highlighted the thriving industry’s role in the nation’s economy.  

Sep 13
Press Release

Waterways Council, Inc./American Waterways Operators Welcome Process to Reauthorize WRDA

ARLINGTON, VA – Today the Waterways Council, Inc. (WCI) and The American Waterways Operators (AWO) expressed their support of the bipartisan process to move a long overdue Water Resources Development Act (WRDA).  House efforts, led by House Transportation & Infrastructure (T&I) Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA), along with Ranking Member Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV), as well as Water Resources and Environment Committee Chairman Bob Gibbs (R-OH) and Ranking Member Rep. Tim Bishop (D-NY), culminated in this week’s introduction of H.R.

Sep 13
Press Release

Rep. Peter King Receives Champion of Maritime Award

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) this week received the 2013 Champion of Maritime Award from the American Maritime Partnership (AMP), a group representing the domestic maritime industry in New York and across the United States.

AMP provides the prestigious annual award to recognize an individual who has displayed extraordinary dedication to and consistent support for the American maritime industry.
