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Distracted Operations Guide for New Mariners

This document is designed to identify critical tasks that are vital to vessel operations along with things a deckhand should do and not do in order to remain focused and not become distracted. AWO conducted a survey that found that most respondents had procedures in place that limited their crewmembers’ use of personal electronic devices. Since then, the conversation has evolved to how companies can help their crewmembers manage distractions more comprehensively. In 2022, the Distracted Operations Subcommittee conducted a second survey of crew members, including deckhands, tankermen, and vessel officers, to identify critical operations and distractions commonly associated with those operations. The findings indicate that nearly anything can be a distraction for a new mariner. This document should be used by operators looking to develop a company-specific training on how to avoid distractions on deck and is intended for instruction of mariners with little deck experience.
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March 30, 2023