
Jun 23
Press Release

Nearly 60 National and Regional Organizations Call on Senate Committee to Approve Urgently Needed Vessel Discharge Legislation

On June 20, a diverse coalition of 58 national and regional organizations representing a wide array of leading business, maritime and labor organizations signed on to a letter to Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee leadership urging that the committee mark up and approve S. 2094. To read the full release, please click here.

Jun 10
Press Release

Vessel Operators Praise WRRDA’s Presidential Signature

In a June 10 statement, AWO President & CEO Tom Allegretti stated that "WRRDA is a victory for the nation. It helps ensure the continued safe, efficient and environmentally friendly delivery of critical cargo via the nation’s waterways. We are very pleased to see it signed into law.” To read the full release, please click here.

May 27
Press Release

Frank Morton, Turn Services LLC, Elected New AWO Chairman

The members of the American Waterways Operators, the national trade association representing the tugboat, towboat and barge industry, elected a new slate of leaders during AWO’s Spring Convention recently held in Washington, D.C. Frank Morton, Director, Turn Services LLC, was elected as Chairman and David Sehrt, Senior Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, Ingram Barge Company, was elected as Vice Chairman. Please click here to read the full release.


May 20
Press Release

AWO Celebrates 70th Anniversary, National Maritime Day Emphasizes Safety, Stewardship and Service; Promising Career Paths

Today, the American Waterways Operators celebrates its 70th anniversary as a trade association, founded on May 20, 1944, to advocate for towboat and barge operators in response to changing national transportation needs and the new regulatory climate emerging during World War II. The association has grown into a national organization representing tugboat, towboat and barge operators on the inland waterways, along the coasts, on the Great Lakes, and in ports and harbors around the country.

May 16
Press Release

Vessel Operators Praise Final WRRDA Agreement, Urge Quick Congressional Passage

On behalf of the nation’s tugboat, towboat and barge operators, AWO President & CEO Tom Allegretti issued the following statement praising House and Senate leaders for their hard work in forging critically needed waterways infrastructure legislation and urged Congress to quickly pass the Water Resources Reform and Development Act and send it to the President to be signed into law. Please click here to read the full release.
