
Virtual Summer of Safety - Dealing with Extreme Heat and Hot Environments with Travis Hanebrink

Virtual Summer of Safety – Dealing with Extreme Heat and Hot Environments featuring Travis Hanebrink

Virtual Summer of Safety – Dealing with Extreme Heat and Hot Environments featuring Travis Hanebrink

Virtual Summer of Safety – Dealing with Extreme Heat and Hot Environments featuring Travis Hanebrink

Virtual Summer of Safety - Dealing with Extreme Heat and Hot Environments with Travis Hanebrink

On 07/22/2020, AWO hosted its fifth event in the Virtual Summer of Safety initiative, “Dealing with Extreme Heat and Hot Environments.” During the presentation and subsequent panel discussion, Travis Hanebrink, Safety Services Project Manager at CTEH, as well as members of the AWO Tankering & Barge Operations Subcommittee, provided expert and practicable advice and insights to companies preparing and implementing hot weather plans to mitigate environmental contributions to heat-related illness and keep workers safe as temperatures start to soar. Have questions or concerns? Email Need more information on the AWO Virtual Summer of Safety please visit
Virtual Summer of Safety - "But I Don't Want to Wear My Mask" with Sharon Lipinski

Virtual Summer of Safety’s “But I Don't Want to Wear My Face Mask”

Virtual Summer of Safety’s “But I Don't Want to Wear My Face Mask”

Virtual Summer of Safety’s “But I Don't Want to Wear My Face Mask”

Virtual Summer of Safety - "But I Don't Want to Wear My Mask" with Sharon Lipinski

As part of the Virtual Summer of Safety, AWO hosted Sharon Lipinski, CEO of Habit Mastery Consulting, who presented “But I Don’t Want to Wear My Face Mask” to help those companies struggling to maintain their new COVID-19 safety regimen in the workplace. Sharon shared the six reasons employees resist COVID-19 safety guidelines, three tactics that make situations like these worse, and three steps companies can take to get employees to follow their COVID-19 safety procedures.
Virtual Summer of Safety - “A Conversation with NTSB Chairman Robert Sumwalt”

Summer of Safety’s “A Conversation with NTSB Chairman Robert Sumwalt”

Summer of Safety’s “A Conversation with NTSB Chairman Robert Sumwalt”

Summer of Safety’s “A Conversation with NTSB Chairman Robert Sumwalt”

Virtual Summer of Safety - “A Conversation with NTSB Chairman Robert Sumwalt”

On 06/24/2020, AWO hosted its third event in the Virtual Summer of Safety initiative, “A Conversation with NTSB Chairman Robert Sumwalt.” During the conversation, Chairman Sumwalt shared with AWO information about the National Transportation Safety Board’s role, specifically that of the Office of Marine Safety, and the agency’s accident investigations, safety studies and development of safety recommendations to improve the nation’s transportation system. Additionally, he offered observations about safety trends in marine transportation and lessons learned from his work with other modes of transportation that translate to the towing industry. Have questions or concerns? Email Need more information on the AWO Virtual Summer of Safety please visit
Virtual Summer of Safety - Addressing COVID-19: Returning to the Office with Industry Safety Leaders

Virtual Summer of Safety’s Addressing COVID-19: Returning to the Office

Virtual Summer of Safety’s Addressing COVID-19: Returning to the Office

Virtual Summer of Safety’s Addressing COVID-19: Returning to the Office

Virtual Summer of Safety - Addressing COVID-19: Returning to the Office with Industry Safety Leaders

As part of the Virtual Summer of Safety, and as part of the ongoing commitment to assist the towing industry in navigating the COVID-19 pandemic, AWO hosted the “Addressing COVID-19: Returning to the Office” webinar on Tuesday, June 16, 2020. State and local governments are beginning to ease restrictions put in place to minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission, and many business leaders – including those in the towing industry – are developing plans to return employees to their office spaces while implementing social distancing and other COVID-19 prevention measures. The webinar featured expert safety insights from representatives of Tidewater Transportation and Terminals, Canal Barge Company, Delphi Maritime, and the American Bureau of Shipping discussing their specific return to the office scenarios and the ongoing planning to protect the health and safety of shoreside employees. View the webinar here:
Addressing COVID-19: Conducting Remote Audits & Inspections with Industry Safety Leaders

Addressing COVID-19: Conducting Remote Audits & Inspections

Addressing COVID-19: Conducting Remote Audits & Inspections

Addressing COVID-19: Conducting Remote Audits & Inspections

Addressing COVID-19: Conducting Remote Audits & Inspections with Industry Safety Leaders

On 05/12/2020, AWO hosted a webinar entitled “Addressing COVID-19: Conducting Remote Audits & Inspections.” Webinar panelists offered insights on best practices and lessons learned from remote audits and surveys using virtual techniques to facilitate social distancing and reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
You can view the webinar here.
