
Countdown to Compliance - Preparing for the Implementation of Subchapter M

Countdown to Compliance_ Preparing for Subchapter M Implementation

Countdown to Compliance_ Preparing for Subchapter M Implementation

Countdown to Compliance_ Preparing for Subchapter M Implementation

Countdown to Compliance - Preparing for the Implementation of Subchapter M

November 8, 2017
AWO held a webinar on preparing for the implementation of Subchapter M featuring an expert panel including: CAPT Matt Edwards, Chief of the Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance at Coast Guard headquarters; AWO members Angie Fay of Blessey Marine Services, Mary McCarthy of Canal Barge Company, and Jeff Slesinger of Western Towboat Company; and AWO staff. Topics included obtaining a TSMS Certificate, the issuance process for Certificates of Inspection, coming into compliance with Subchapter M requirements, and more.
Subchapter M - What You Need to Know

Subchapter M- What You Need to Know

Subchapter M- What You Need to Know

Subchapter M- What You Need to Know

Subchapter M - What You Need to Know

AWO held two identical webinar sessions to brief members and non-members alike on the content of the Subchapter M rule. The presentations provided an outline of the new requirements, the timeline for their implementation and highlighted changes between the final rule and the proposed rule.
View the webinar (with audio): Subchapter M: What You Need to Know
For more information please contact Caitlyn Stewart, (703) 841-9300, extension 262, or
RCP - Transition Intro

RCP Transition Introductory Webinar

RCP Transition Introductory Webinar

RCP Transition Introductory Webinar

RCP - Transition Intro

July 7, 2015
In order to strengthen the RCP and gain Coast Guard approval as a TSMS under the forthcoming Subchapter M regulations, the RCP was updated to include Risk Assessment procedures. The goal of these procedures is to systematically assess and manage identified risks to onboard personnel, vessels, and the environment. This webinar will explain in detail what elements will be required in Risk Assessment procedures for RCP compliance and how you can implement a program.
