Read about the AWO Safety Committees’ Permanent Subcommittee on Crew Fatalities, risk assessment requirements under AWO’s Responsible Carrier Program, and more in this edition of Navigating to Zero, AWO’s monthly safety newsletter.
Read about the Coast Guard-AWO Safety Partnership National Quality Steering Committee's first semiannual meeting of 2018, the Coast Guard's recent Policy Letter on inoperable ballast water management systems, and other news in this edition of the AWO Letter.
Read about the Trump Administration's infrastructure initiative, upcoming meetings of the Towing Safety Advisory Committee and Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee, and other news in this edition of the AWO Letter.
Read about the recent AWO Safety Committees’ annual meeting, how throw bags can save lives, and more in this edition of Navigating to Zero, AWO’s monthly safety newsletter.
Read about the Coast Guard's recently issued policy letter on Subchapter M's random external vessel audit requirement, the House Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee's recent hearing on the state of the U.S.-flag maritime industry, and other news in this edition of the AWO Letter.